Spray Roses are the perfect flower that Florists love because they offer a special addition to all floral designs.
When Florists need a delicate flower choice that’s both classy and unique, they turn to Spray Roses for mesmerizing bouquets, whimsical boutonnieres and unique arrangements.
Spray Roses branch into a cluster of what are often smaller flowers. This “spray” formation also explains why they are alternately referred to as miniature roses. They tend to grow smaller due to their limited proximity on the stem being so close together.
Spray Roses are very popular among Florists and DIY consumers because they offer more blooms per stem than the long stem variety that offers a single bloom. With the constant popularity of roses year-round, the fact that spray roses tend to produce more blooms per stalk than other rose bushes and varietals make them more attractive. While some people go for the grandeur of single-stem roses to make a big statement, there is a certain understated class to spray roses which integrate design into their growth process.
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©2022 The Queen’s Flowers
7001 NW 25th St, Miami FL 33122
©2020 The Queen’s Flowers
7001 NW 25th St, Miami FL 33122
©2020 The Queen’s Flowers
7001 NW 25th St, Miami FL 33122